On that note, what better day to continue my thankful list? I missed Monday b/c of an overnight to eastern Washington. So here. we. go!
101. Beth Moore. Still one of my favorite bible teacher of all time.
102. Beth Moore "live."
103. Drive-through coffee stands.
104. Eastern Washington.
105. The drive to my sister-in-law's cabin, just 4 houses up from the cabin Lee and I spent so many weekends in with his mama.
106. Learning to make new memories in old, well-loved places.
107. Change that etches away and familiar routine.
108. 9-year-old tears.
109. Fish sandwiches made at home.
110. Glee. My new favorite show of the fall season.
111. Hiking to the bat caves with my sisters in law and daughter.
112. Watching Hope navigate the relationships with her two aunties (whom she loves much).
113. My amazingly, wonderfully flexible job.
114. My uberly-clean husband.
115. A fresh Word from God.
116. Thunder.
117. The prospect of a fresh cup of coffee with cream.
118. My threadbare Old Navy sweats.
119. Fridays off.
120. Drinking coffee by the river.
121. Humility. And oportunities to be humble.
125. Having my mind made up and having it changed by the hope in a voice.
126. Embracing Hope's new school.
Here's to a new day. Thursday is still shiny and unwrapped. Praying for Jesus' favor and that He goes before us today. To quote beth - don't let anything take a "bite out of your delight!"
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