Being raised amongst "an unhappy people" makes for lots of things. Cyncism. A critical nature. Anger. Addiction. Looking for love in all the wrong places. Mistaking love for something that isn't. Seeking out happy people - because you aren't.
The reality is, happines is temperal. It doesn't last. I was happy (thrilled, even) when my friend/neighbor brought some freshly baked, piping hot pear bread to my door. While I was 'happy' to eat the bread, the memory of my friend's thoughtfulness and her relationship with me is what joy is made of. Joy lasts. Happiness is fleeting.
In the quest to be a joy-finder, comfortable boxes have to be stepped out of and the propensity toward finding satisfaction in a moment needs to be overcome. I want the kind of joy that lives and breathes on its own. That bubbles up, overflows and consumes everyone around me.
I'm still working on it. In the meantime, here's the monday morning edition of (and addition to) "1000 Gifts."
171. Christmas music - even before Thanksgiving.
171. a growing daughter - physically, emotionally and spiritually
172. God's love. it's huge.
173. stepping outside of the comfort zone.
174. husbands who grocery shop
175. electricity.
176. autum leaves.
177. vitamin d.
178. homemade stew
179. a husband that enjoys cooking.
180. lavender vanilla. in various forms.
181. piping hot coffee.
182. hysterical laughter
183. costco.
184. remembering birthdays
185. planning a holiday
186. recognizing joyful people
187. finding patience.
188. humility.
189. seeking joy instead of momentary satisfaction.
190. the feel of a new tablet without words.
191. holding fast to believes, albeit unpopular.
192. new responsibilities and a good attitude.
193. friendships that require work - but weather the years.
194. accepting the weaknesses of others.
195. recognizing strengths at the same time
196. knowing that no 'one person' will be perfect for us.
197. genuine kindness.
198. hope's Dsi
199. planning our 'black friday' tradition.
200. allowing joy to live and breathe. even when it hurts.
201. memories. like this one.
Happy Monday. Here's to finding joy as we journey.
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