I miss Whole Foods. Oh yes. I do. I also have a coffee card that is "full up" from our weekend soirees. I'm saving it for that morning that can only be fixed by driving through and receiving strong java made at the hands of someone else.
The biggest news of the moment is the Rock and Roll Marathon. We're doing the half and are registered. Lee doesn't know it yet...his registration is part of his birthday present.
I'm actually very excited. The beginning of the journey is always full of much anticipation. Our actual training schedule begins next weekend: 17 weeks of hard work. I'm hoping beyond hope, that some weight will come off my frame. I need to incorporate more cardio and core during my weekday workouts. Which actually don't exist at this time. We've been walking 4.8 miles on the weekends - and I feel good that I can hit that mileage without dying.
This weekend, one of our new marathon buddies (Wendy) is taking us up Mt Peak in Enumclaw. 1.2 miles of "straight up hill." I'm not sure why I've agreed to this. Everyone else is game. So I just said, "yes." Wendy is bringing walking sticks for Liz and I, the bigger girls of the bunch. I have to tell the internets that hiking really isn't my thing. No, it is not. I'm certain a post of hilarity and humiliation will be just around the bend. As long as I don't hurt myself...then all will be well.
Speaking of "hurt" - I'm tending to a wounded arch. Or something in that region. Last Thursday, I worked from home. The sun was peeking out and made me feel "all summery" and optimistic. I slipped on some flipflops and spent the day firmly planted in them. Come to think of it, I wore them the night prior (to Awana). Lee is always telling me, "Those things are horrible for your feet, your arches, blah, blah, blah." I will only say this because he doesn't read this blog: my husband is right. But oh, in the name of fashion. I do adore flipflops.
I've been wearing some "special tennis shoes" that I feel are bulk-meisters. My Mom passed them my way after deciding they are too wide for her (read: my feet are wide). My orthotics fit perfectly within - and so that's what I've been wearing. Morning noon and night. Around the house. As I sit in my jammies at the computer. I've also been trying to stretch my calves, which are the tightest things this side of New Jersey. I think it's all linked. oye.
My last words for this rambling blog. I'm saving my "nics" for some new summer kicks. Runner's World ran an article this summer that I took note of. They rated summer sandals. The pair I'm getting can be found here: http://www.solesandals.com/ Not sure what sassy color I'm investing in, but invest, I will. Summer and flip flops just go together. Even if I have to pay 80 smacks for them. :) Which flies in the face of my recent thriftiness...but you can't put a price on foot health. Can you? :)
This fabulous photo was taken on Saturday by Ginger. We walked 4.8 with Hope and Erica in tow. The last mile was uphill and the girls were tuckered out. The decline began like this:

The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days. Deut. 33:25
Happy trails to you! :)
Wow what a big man to be on a little pink bike!
wow that takes a big man to be on a little pink bike
Kris, I've enjoyed reading your blog! You probably don't remember me but I remember you...not that I'm stalking you or anything...but I found you here and I used to go to CCC and do go to P4S sometimes and know a lot of the people you know. Anyway...I wanted to email you, can I have your email address? You can write to me at rob.bob@comcast.net. I just wanted to sort of catch up...
Hi, Matt from SOLE here, thanks for your kind words about our Platinum Sandals!
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