I'm chuckling over that fact that I'm considering a walk through the streets of tacoma. As my Daddy used to say, "Kid, it's the armpit of Washington. And I don't want you hanging out there. It's not safe." I know anyone who has grown up around these parts will agree with my Papa. If I register and "do this thing" maybe I'll become the biggest advocate yet for the streets of Tacoma and all the bounty I hear it offers. I'll become a member of the Tacoma Art Museum, discuss all things inner city and eat my lunch at the foot of Ruston Way. (um, no promises there).
Truth be known, I'm also considering the Chicago Marathon next year. I don't know what's come over me. We'll see about that one. I would definitely want Lee and Hope to be there with me. I don't know that I'd do it again without the two of them. And I don't know that we could swing 3 tickets to Chicago. I did enjoy that city. :)
I'll be asking Santa for a new pair of training shoes. And some winter training duds, I believe. I have a month before I have to register....I'll see how things feel as I swing into a little pre-training.
Now, if I could only kick this very nasty bug that has landed in the depths of my lungs. Hope's too. It's awful. After a night of little sleep and lots of coughing, I'm hoping to do more of one and less of the other tonight. Hope's wrestling with it as well...I'm blogging and breaking for interval bed propping and head adjusting as she coughs her way into slumberland. Poor girl. Seems her lung issues stem a little from moi. ;(

As much as I hate to admit it (ie agree with my husband), Hope and I almost always return from visiting my parents with nasty colds and coughs. Don't know if it's just "this time of year" or what the deal is. But he's right. Maybe we're allergic to eastern Oregon. That would make me very sad. I love that place.
Here's a shot of Hope and I. Is this Canyon City? I can never remember. It was a fun day - although I was fighting the bugt even then. Photograph: courtesy of Katie.
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