Thursday, July 24, 2008

This past four days have felt like 10 weeks. Seriously. The best part of my week, happened today as I walked out my workplace doors. I had miraculously snagged a front row parking spot. Remembering that fact and very quickly reaching my car (vs the normal lag when I'm in the north 40) was a beautiful thing. I almost had a jig in my step. Almost.

Actually, I think the best part of my week just happened five minutes ago. Hope has a friend spending the night. They are parked in the bonus room with Ladybug (our cat), perched victoriously between them. Hope heard me peek in. I asked if she wanted me to move the cat, she said, "No, she wants to be part of the slumber party too." Crazy cat. And one tolerant girl. :)

Not much to say. No witty banter. I've been very thankful for our weather. Even the overcast days have been a nice break between "heat waves." There is much going on in my little life -- and much processing to be done. It's not a bad place to be - just a lot of work.

I am reading some fantabulous books. Lady of the Snakes. Searching for God Knows What. The Kite Runner. And a study on Ephesians.

So like I front row parking spot was a beautiful thing. And the highlight of my week. Next to Ladybug. Parking spot trumps cat. Every time. :)

Here's to Friday! :)

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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer