One of my co-workers blogged about his colonoscopy. I read some of it, thought it was too much info and told him so. After having a procedure of my own, I'm half tempted to share all of the details. I won't. But oh, I am tempted. I wonder why that is? No one is really interested in it. But oh, how we like to share. Wait, the only person who might be interested is one who is about to have a similar procedure.
And I doubt this blog pops up on major medical searches. So you're saved. For now. A wild hair may move me to give every detail at some point. It wouldn't take much, that's for certain. :)
I had surgery about...12 days ago. Recovery has not been without hiccups. Thankfully, I have a job that has allowed me to take extra time off. A daughter who worships me and worries about me and is the best helper a mama could ask for. And a husband, who for all of his words, took on the "other half" of our life in the best way he could while I recuperated. Not that he wasn't salivating over the thought of a vacuum in my hands...sigh.
One of my favorite peeps had her annual ornament party on Saturday. I am not really a girl who enjoys large groups of women. Oh, no. I do not. And I have bypassed my sweet D's soiree simply becuase of the estrogen. This year, I went. And the crowd was half the size. I will say, that a good time was had by all. Namely, me.
Granted, I hadn't left the house in 9 days. A trip to the gas station would have been fun at that point too. (oh, but I kid).
The end of the evening found a group of us forming a not-so-secret sisterhood of women who watch "The Real Housewives" reality show on Bravo. Specifically, the housewives of Atlanta. Or "Hotlanta" as some say (I'm taking a stab that my sweet Jeanette might pray for me over this one. I'll take it, sister). Nine days preceded by a month of pain and days in bed gives a girl a lot of time. I did read some books. I also became addicted to a few new shows. Hotlanta is one of them. Nene is my girl. I am counting the minutes until the reunion show airs in 43 minutes. Oh. yes. I am.
I also watched all six extended version disks in the Lord of the Ring series. I say this with the hope that it somehow balances out my reality tv watching. And by balances, I mean "erases."
Seriously, it was hillarious to discover not just one (camie!) but 2 more (shannon/dana) lovers of the show. It might be a little sad to tell you how long we actually dissected the show. But it was all in good fun. :)
Here are a few pics of our night togethah.

This might be my goofiest post yet. Or maybe, the most sarcastic. Eh, I bet I can top it.
Here's to Thanksgiving 2008 - minus anything resembling pumpkin! :) Praying the holiday is blessed, loaded with family and memory-making moments! I am looking forward to some more time to heal and maybe put that vacuum in hand that Lee is so longing to see. :)
Aiight? :) kb
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