I am thankful for....
My husband. Yes, it's true. I have been "down" for the past 2 months. Well, "down" in a semi-down way. Surgery 2 weeks ago put me "completely down." My perfectionistic partner has been a trooper. From dish-duty to Girl Scout escort to "put the lights up on the house" and "go get the Christmas tree by himself" - I am thankful for it all.
My daughter. Her goofy sense of humor, willingness to try anything once and her tender heart. Okay, She also loves animals. While this is not a love I share (at all!), I admire it in my girl. She has been a tremoundous help to me as I've recovered over the past few weeks.

She is my humor creator. True story.
My inlaws. Lee's sister and Dad are the peeps we spend the majority of our time with. Vacations, holidays and the like. With all of our quirks, we hang in there together. And I will say (because Sandra doesn't read this blog), that I'm not sure what I would do without my chat with Karen, who has become a bit of the glue for our familia. Glue that looks an awful lot like my mother-in-law, whom I miss each and every day. If I had a picture of her scanned, I would def. post. :)
Other important thankful notes? Health. A roof over our heads. Clean water to drink - and running through pipes and faucets. I don't have AIDS. My parents haven't died from AIDS. I will likely never contract HIV. I am not 10 and caring for my 3 younger siblings, like so many kids in Africa, specifically. My daughter will not know that kind of desperation.
Most importantly, I am thankful for the Lord. Who He is in our lives. That He saved me from a life of hopelesness. Or a life of hope in things that fade and fail. And the promise of eternal life that He alone can give.
:) A rambling post that I began last night. And very jaggedly finished this morning. ;)
24 days until Christmas!!! Yeehaw!
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