Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lenten Thoughts - Day 1

Forgiveness as translated in the New Testament = aphiemi, meaning to send forth or away, let go from oneself. Forgiveness is our determined and deliberate willingness to let something go.

"Innumerable strongholds are connected to an unwillingness to forgive. Left untreated, unforgiveness becomes spiritual cancer. Bitterness takes root, and since the root feeds the rest of the tree, every branch of our lives and every fruit ultimately become poisoned. The bottom line is - unforgiveness makes us sick. Always spiritually. Often emotionally. And, surprisingly often, physically." (Beth Moore)

God is not asking us to let "it" go back into the black hole of nonexistence. Forgiveness means letting it go TO God. Letting it go from our power to His.

Lord, Your Word tells me that when I stand praying, if I hold anything against anyone, I am to forgive him or her, so that You, my Father in heaven, may forgive me my sins. (Mark 11:25).

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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer