That about sums up my week. The most beautiful truth is that once one's eyes close for the night, a new day indeed shall dawn. I have great hope for a peaceful and lovely Sunday. :)
The best news of the week for that mine (the week) is over. Two weeks of half-marathon training are under my belt and despite the insanity that was my life this week, I kept at it. Minus a couple of days here and there...the road (and my treadmill met me and we bonded.
This morning, I discovered the beauty of neighborly support. I trained for the Chicago marathon strictly by my lonesome. Three other gals (Liz, Ginger and Josie) from the hood have signed on for the Tacoma half marathon (with the potential of 3 more)...this morning, Liz and I headed out for our four miles. We were met along the way by Josie...and Ginger gave us her stats (walking while her daughter was at the science fair) on her way outta the hood. I have to say that it's nice to have the support...and accountability.
That's it from here. Hoping for a less devastating week on the horizon. :)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
the week is almost behind me now
it was a killer - and how.
i was faced some drama and pain and more
to a degree that almost forced me to the door.
my job, as a rule, is something i enjoy
this week, it was not filled with much joy.
my friends, God's best blessings always,
rallied and gave strength every day.
the pain of the drama is really quite tense
in fact, i've never faced something so immense.
in the midst, God came down and calmed my fear
He reminded that His love is always right here.
so that's been my week - i confess, i'm still reeling
and continuing a great journey of faith and great healing.
like i said at the top, it's been QUITE a week.
one that entered with fire and is leaving slightly meek.
it was a killer - and how.
i was faced some drama and pain and more
to a degree that almost forced me to the door.
my job, as a rule, is something i enjoy
this week, it was not filled with much joy.
my friends, God's best blessings always,
rallied and gave strength every day.
the pain of the drama is really quite tense
in fact, i've never faced something so immense.
in the midst, God came down and calmed my fear
He reminded that His love is always right here.
so that's been my week - i confess, i'm still reeling
and continuing a great journey of faith and great healing.
like i said at the top, it's been QUITE a week.
one that entered with fire and is leaving slightly meek.
Monday, January 21, 2008
ebb and flow
It's 2 am. For those of you that know me well, 2 am is not an hour I am usually prowling about. Tomorrow is a holiday (no work or school) - so Hope and I ventured out at 7 pm to Blockbuster for some flicks. She watched Underdog - while I had half an eye on it (ie we've already seen it). I, determined to stay up and watch my rental of choice, downed a cup of coffee this evening. I haven't been drinking much java of late - maybe that's why I'm still up. Or was the excitement of my movie rental!!
"We Are Marshall." So good. I loved it. I don't rent many movies or find the time to sit and watch a movie without dozing off, for that matter. Although I will confess upfront that Matthew Mcconaughey is one of my favorite actors (um, and he's beautiful to boot)...the flick was fabulous. Totally worth watching. Four stars. That's high, in my book.
While I'm here, I'll give a small update of what's been up since my last blog.
Sinus surgery is one month away. I have a cyst. And a few other health issues that I'm pondering and waiting to hear back on.
Half Marathon training began this week. I've done so-so. Haven't felt great...but I am on the mend and have high hopes to get my tush moving.
Hope turned 8 on the 18th - we had a pool party for her on the 19th. It was fabulous fun for all. I can't believe my baby is 8!
That is really it. I can feel my eyes watering and my face beginning to I'd better sign off. I may not feel tired...but my body doesn't know what to do with itself this later (or early) in the game.
:) Be Blessed!
"We Are Marshall." So good. I loved it. I don't rent many movies or find the time to sit and watch a movie without dozing off, for that matter. Although I will confess upfront that Matthew Mcconaughey is one of my favorite actors (um, and he's beautiful to boot)...the flick was fabulous. Totally worth watching. Four stars. That's high, in my book.
While I'm here, I'll give a small update of what's been up since my last blog.
Sinus surgery is one month away. I have a cyst. And a few other health issues that I'm pondering and waiting to hear back on.
Half Marathon training began this week. I've done so-so. Haven't felt great...but I am on the mend and have high hopes to get my tush moving.
Hope turned 8 on the 18th - we had a pool party for her on the 19th. It was fabulous fun for all. I can't believe my baby is 8!
That is really it. I can feel my eyes watering and my face beginning to I'd better sign off. I may not feel tired...but my body doesn't know what to do with itself this later (or early) in the game.
:) Be Blessed!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
road miles...

This morning, I hopped up and did 4 miles around my hood. I kept a 16.0 pace...which is okay, considering where I've been (ie not exercising much). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Ipod's stopwatch function. Almost as much as I love my Ipod. :) I need to invest in new shoes. I'm going to try to make it a few more weeks (ie post-Hope's birthday) and invest.
I posted this little photo the chicago marathon..moments after the starting line. Just to remember the madness and the memory. Such a cool experience.
This entry is actually taking me two days to pen. The above is from Saturday. Now, it's Sunday (cheater). The sun is shining...amazing what a different the sun makes. I'm so tired of the rain (I know, I know - why live in Washington then?).
I have a feeling this will be another juggling week of a different kind. Hope's birthday is Friday with swim party on Sat. I'm headed to an ENT/surgeon on Tuesday to see what she has to say about my polyp-laden sinuses...and the first week of half marathon training officially begins! woohoo! ;0
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
that's what i am. too tired to use caps, even. it's "humpday" - but feels like it should be friday. so here's a small update for my great big view.
hope. came down with a cold over the weekend. it's burst forth into her lungs and a sinus infection. she hasn't been to school yet this week. was very thankful for some sleep last night - a'la codeine cough medicine (for hope. although i was tempted). second dr. appt today. hopeful that a miracle will occur overnight and she won't be glued to her nebulizer. the bright side is..she isn't coughing and vomiting tonight. :)
sinuses. had my post-CT scan appointment yesterday (and slid hope in at the same time). turns out that the nurse i talked to last week was blind or looking at the wrong results. my ct scan is most definitely NOT clear (i know, use of caps. felt passionate about that moment). i was floored. the film was nowhere to be found, so i brought it up with me for hope's appointment today.
nothing has changed in my scan at all. i most definitely have polyps in the house. i'm going to contact the ent specialist/surgeon who took the polyps out 9 years ago and see what she says. i have to be honest - the thought of being poked and prodded the way that polyp-checking dr. does....well, not fun.
school. i'm praying hope is in a good place tomorrow morning and able to go to school. she's been out all week. i said that already, didn't i? see, i am tired.
birthday. hope's is in 9 days. we're going to celebrate with a swim party. it's decided.
a wife. i think i need one. don't worry. I haven't switched biblical sides. but seriously, i could use another one of me. just to do the laundry. make one of the many pharmacy runs or doctor gigs i've done this week. or give me a pat on the back for all things juggled. yup. i think i'd like a wife. even if it were just to help me in times like these. or to attend the polyp-prodding dr. appointment with me. seriously - that nose scope thing is beyond horrific.
would love your prayers. for healing. for polyp-doctor direction (smile) and a little rejuvenation for this tuckered out mom.
hope. came down with a cold over the weekend. it's burst forth into her lungs and a sinus infection. she hasn't been to school yet this week. was very thankful for some sleep last night - a'la codeine cough medicine (for hope. although i was tempted). second dr. appt today. hopeful that a miracle will occur overnight and she won't be glued to her nebulizer. the bright side is..she isn't coughing and vomiting tonight. :)
sinuses. had my post-CT scan appointment yesterday (and slid hope in at the same time). turns out that the nurse i talked to last week was blind or looking at the wrong results. my ct scan is most definitely NOT clear (i know, use of caps. felt passionate about that moment). i was floored. the film was nowhere to be found, so i brought it up with me for hope's appointment today.
nothing has changed in my scan at all. i most definitely have polyps in the house. i'm going to contact the ent specialist/surgeon who took the polyps out 9 years ago and see what she says. i have to be honest - the thought of being poked and prodded the way that polyp-checking dr. does....well, not fun.
school. i'm praying hope is in a good place tomorrow morning and able to go to school. she's been out all week. i said that already, didn't i? see, i am tired.
birthday. hope's is in 9 days. we're going to celebrate with a swim party. it's decided.
a wife. i think i need one. don't worry. I haven't switched biblical sides. but seriously, i could use another one of me. just to do the laundry. make one of the many pharmacy runs or doctor gigs i've done this week. or give me a pat on the back for all things juggled. yup. i think i'd like a wife. even if it were just to help me in times like these. or to attend the polyp-prodding dr. appointment with me. seriously - that nose scope thing is beyond horrific.
would love your prayers. for healing. for polyp-doctor direction (smile) and a little rejuvenation for this tuckered out mom.
Monday, January 7, 2008
I know it's not right.
Hope was too sick to go to school today. Just a cold, but with her, the asthma flares and it's not always a good thing. Her nose stuffed up just before bed on Sunday evening--I had a feeling Monday may not be lookin' so good. I was right.
Hope hung out, watched movies and rested. I know it's not right....but when she's sick and falls asleep, it's one of the most precious things. Takes me back to the days of babies and bundles and bottles. She may be a few weeks' shy of turning eight, but when she sleeps, she still has the same look (and sleep noises, to be truthful) that she did as a babe. I guess I notice it when she's sick because she snoozes on the couch while I work in the chair across from her.
We awoke to snow on the ground. Said snow is now frozen and expecting more snowlings to join them this evening. I have a doctor appointment in the morning, so I'm selfishly praying for no snow (sorry, Ashley..and Hope!), no late starts and a healthy daughter ready and raring to go to school. If not, I have a Plan B. Plan C, as well. :)
Today is the second day of healthy eating for a familia. Hope was asleep on the couch while Lee and I watched Jon and Kate Plus Eight Have I mentioned before that I dislike this show? Through my disdain, I suppose it's growing on me. Lee likes it...hence, why we watch it. Anyhow, we had eaten our butter-free, sugar-free, white-flour free, process-free meal (which truthfully, was very good). As Hope slept, we looked at each other and acknowledged our hunger. We grabbed a few rice crackers and cheese and hunkered down for more of the annoying Kate and passive Jon and their built in baseball team (almost). I confess to have a few more tidbits since Lee's departure for bed. ;( Nothing too horrible.
Hope has been nebulized, sterlized and medicized and is now watching the tail end of "Shark Boy and Lava Girl." I have yet to watch this crazy show in its entirety. I've seen the beginning, middle and very end and still have absolutely no idea what it's about. Am hoping some of this stuff kicks in by the 10 pm hour (meaning her cough).
Hope's birthday is in less than 2 weeks - we still haven't quite figured out what we're doing. I "think" we're aiming for the Enumclaw pool (yup, swimming in January) - but I need to make a phone call. Sooner than later.
Here's hoping that I dodge this bug Hope has. My hands are raw from washing..and sterilizing our house. Hope's are too. ;( Poor girl.
Happy cold and flu season... :) k
Hope hung out, watched movies and rested. I know it's not right....but when she's sick and falls asleep, it's one of the most precious things. Takes me back to the days of babies and bundles and bottles. She may be a few weeks' shy of turning eight, but when she sleeps, she still has the same look (and sleep noises, to be truthful) that she did as a babe. I guess I notice it when she's sick because she snoozes on the couch while I work in the chair across from her.
We awoke to snow on the ground. Said snow is now frozen and expecting more snowlings to join them this evening. I have a doctor appointment in the morning, so I'm selfishly praying for no snow (sorry, Ashley..and Hope!), no late starts and a healthy daughter ready and raring to go to school. If not, I have a Plan B. Plan C, as well. :)
Today is the second day of healthy eating for a familia. Hope was asleep on the couch while Lee and I watched Jon and Kate Plus Eight Have I mentioned before that I dislike this show? Through my disdain, I suppose it's growing on me. Lee likes it...hence, why we watch it. Anyhow, we had eaten our butter-free, sugar-free, white-flour free, process-free meal (which truthfully, was very good). As Hope slept, we looked at each other and acknowledged our hunger. We grabbed a few rice crackers and cheese and hunkered down for more of the annoying Kate and passive Jon and their built in baseball team (almost). I confess to have a few more tidbits since Lee's departure for bed. ;( Nothing too horrible.
Hope has been nebulized, sterlized and medicized and is now watching the tail end of "Shark Boy and Lava Girl." I have yet to watch this crazy show in its entirety. I've seen the beginning, middle and very end and still have absolutely no idea what it's about. Am hoping some of this stuff kicks in by the 10 pm hour (meaning her cough).
Hope's birthday is in less than 2 weeks - we still haven't quite figured out what we're doing. I "think" we're aiming for the Enumclaw pool (yup, swimming in January) - but I need to make a phone call. Sooner than later.
Here's hoping that I dodge this bug Hope has. My hands are raw from washing..and sterilizing our house. Hope's are too. ;( Poor girl.
Happy cold and flu season... :) k
Sunday, January 6, 2008
the most fun...
just a short addition to the post below. My neighbors are slowly climbing on the marathon band wagon, one by one. Tonight, six of us toodled around the hood on a pre-training cruise. Three adults and three kids. Four of us in the hood are registered to date. It's actually very cool. Lee alerted me to the possible offense of a neighbor I haven't I have a little work to do. Honestly, I haven't set out to ask's just sort of happened.
How about you? Wanna do a half marathon with us? Yeehaw!!!
How about you? Wanna do a half marathon with us? Yeehaw!!!
It's never too early for snow...

My sisinlaw is in the Sacramento area and as of last night, was on her 3rd day without power. After some "knock your socks off" winds right her in Buckley, I have been so thankful that our power remained "on." And for the comfort of our generator, in case the lights go out in Georgia...or Buckley.
A few highlights from the week....
Encouragement comes in the most unlikely places - and I'm so thankful. I had two of the best conversations this week. I don't know that these two ladies even know what a great encouragement they were to me (denise and connie!). Like minds. Smaller worlds. Seeking the Lord on the same playing field. Same interests. Reading the same books. Was beautiful.
Half Marathon Training. Began for our family this weekend. Lee is working on his jog, I'm working on my walk and Hope is coming along for the ride. :) The best news of the weekend is the discovery of the stopwatch function on my Ipod. Who knew?
And speaking of the marathon, I believe our little Tacoma adventure has attracted 15 interested peeps. A few registered - the rest not. Three of my neighbors are checking things out..quite a few friends are joining our little team. Pretty cool, I think.
Jillian Michaels. If you're not a watcher of The Biggest Loser, then personal trainer Jillian won't mean a thing to you. Our family watches it is fabulous and fun and we are huge fans of both Jillian and Bob (also a personal trainer). JM is going to be speaking on January 24th promoting her new book...and I'm going. My uber-super neighbor Liz is taking me (and she doesn't even watch BL!)! My only comment: I wish Bob was appearing too.
Clear sinuses. It's true. After a truly horrific 20 days on steroids (just ask my husband and daughter on the "horrific" part), my scan came back clear. There are some other things that need to take place for the health of my winter sinus conditions. I'll spare you the deets...but we're working on it!
Pride. Sneaks up on this girl. Nuff said. Continued journey to be absolutely okay with how God has made me, where I've been and how I live my life. It's who I am. And I hope, that I never make anyone feel "less than" because of their path in life, choices they've made, books they've read (or haven't), references they may or may not get the picture. I know for a fact that I have (made folks feel 'less than'). Please forgive me. I heard a quote this week from Pastor Chip..."We are all desperately insecure." Amen?
Habakkuk. I'm reading a book right now based on the book of Habbukkuk. If you haven't spent a lot of time in the few pages of that prophet, you may want to check it out. Very interesting.
That's it from here. My world may be small....but my God is big.
Be blessed!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The second day is always better...
Indeed. I had high hopes of begininning 2008 with a bang. Instead, we went to Cabella's with family, ate food we shouldn't have and exercised very little. We were together - and had a good day together. :) Cabella's is in Lacey - and is all things "hunting and fishing" (of which Lee and I are neither). It's an amazing huge and overwhelming joint - my brother-in-law was in heaven and so were Lee and I when we arrived at the car with no purchases. If the lines weren't so long, I probably would have purchased some of their homemade fudge (adding to the "ate food we shouldn't have). It was good to spend time with K and G. :)
This morning, as I sit in my brand-new Christmas flannels and sport my lovely L'Occitane lotion from my sister....I'm thankful for the past 10 days of vacation. It's interesting in hindsight to see how much I needed the break. Not from work, but from the juggling act coupled with health issues of the past month. It was nice to just "be."
And as for the new year, I'm not a fan of resolutions. BUT, I did lay some goals for myself last year - esp. since I will be turning the age that rhymes with "shorty."
1. More of the Word. Over the past few months of wrestling with some health issues (and steroids!) - finding time in the Word has been tough. I need a study for the Winter/Spring season, I believe.
2. Emotional Health. I made some thick commitments and tiny baby steps toward my overall emotional health. Hard stuff. But I am committed and we will continue. :)
3. Physical Health. Half Marathon Training - begins next week. Food changes - slowly beginning this week.
Here's to a GREAT new year.....John 3:16!!!
This morning, as I sit in my brand-new Christmas flannels and sport my lovely L'Occitane lotion from my sister....I'm thankful for the past 10 days of vacation. It's interesting in hindsight to see how much I needed the break. Not from work, but from the juggling act coupled with health issues of the past month. It was nice to just "be."
And as for the new year, I'm not a fan of resolutions. BUT, I did lay some goals for myself last year - esp. since I will be turning the age that rhymes with "shorty."
1. More of the Word. Over the past few months of wrestling with some health issues (and steroids!) - finding time in the Word has been tough. I need a study for the Winter/Spring season, I believe.
2. Emotional Health. I made some thick commitments and tiny baby steps toward my overall emotional health. Hard stuff. But I am committed and we will continue. :)
3. Physical Health. Half Marathon Training - begins next week. Food changes - slowly beginning this week.
Here's to a GREAT new year.....John 3:16!!!
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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer