Thursday, January 24, 2008


the week is almost behind me now
it was a killer - and how.

i was faced some drama and pain and more
to a degree that almost forced me to the door.

my job, as a rule, is something i enjoy
this week, it was not filled with much joy.

my friends, God's best blessings always,
rallied and gave strength every day.

the pain of the drama is really quite tense
in fact, i've never faced something so immense.

in the midst, God came down and calmed my fear
He reminded that His love is always right here.

so that's been my week - i confess, i'm still reeling
and continuing a great journey of faith and great healing.

like i said at the top, it's been QUITE a week.
one that entered with fire and is leaving slightly meek.


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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer