Sunday, April 27, 2008
does it pay to be early?
yes, I'm a good hour and 40 minutes before the plane leaves the ground. I'm flying with my friend, Shelly today. I believe her ride is picking her up at this very moment. 7 am. When we were figuring out how we would get to the airport, having flown with me before, she said: "Let's ride to the airport separately. I'll stress you out." She's flown with me before. And, she's right.
I arrived at the airport at....
...wait for it...
...wait for it...
5:50 am.
It's true. And I'm a little nutz. Not a gun-wielding, prozac-popping nutz, but maybe a little OCD. Maybe. Maybe not. [is my purse with me? is my wallet in my purse? is my boarding pass still in my bag? did I bring my phone? do I have my credit cards? is my purse still with me? is my wallet in my purse? is my....]. Okay, I am.
Lee and Hope are picking his sister Sandra up from the airport around noon today. It didn't make sense to have them go to the plane parking lot twice today - esp. since it's a 45 mile drive from our country abode. I 'shuttle expressed' it from Danielle's this morning at 5:15 am. It was a nice, stress-free jaunt, to be sure.
It took an hour to check in. The handy e-ticket machine always sends me to customer service to check-in anyhow (?). [maybe the machine knows that I have the time to spare?] Security wasn't packed - but the search through our goods was long. Security-level orange, it seems. I had to ditch my bottled water [from home]. And then the journey to "gate N" was no short gig.
When all is said and done, I'm guessing it will take Shelly an hour to make it to the area of "N" as well. She'll breeze through the boarding gate with moments to spare. We flew to Minnesota (or was it Canton, OH?) together years ago. Pre-mommyhood, I was even more on the ocd side. She rolled onboard with literally, 2 minutes to spare. A smile on her face. She had the corporate card that was funding our trip and I was nearly a puddle on the floor. I think I have more-troubleshooting skills. Heck, that was 11 years ago! I have many more.... :) bring it!
I don't know what make us all tick. Or why I am completely OCD when it comes to being on time or arriving uber-early for just about anything in my life. I guess I like to allow for the possiblities. A traffic jam. Long lines at security. Not enough time to get my Starbucks' fix.
I was "fondly" remembering my October trip to Chicago. Due to ridiculous self-imposed circumstances, I arrived 40 minutes before boarding. My baggage had to be checked and didn't show up at the other end b/c I missed the deadline. I had to beg, borrow and plead my way through a 5 am rush in the security line. And I ran to board the plane. I was literally one of the last folks on the plane. I was so thankful I had carried my marathon gear with me.
I was so stressed out, it nearly did me in.
I'm finished with my coffee. I'm downing a little airborne and my allergy pill and have seemingly sat through the first round of travelers in the food court. I'm okay with that. :) I have two magazines to rifle through...Runner's World and The New Yorker. It looks like Tina Fey's Baby Envy, Hendrik Hertzberg's notes on feeling bitter and the Folksinging Detectives and a 3-day-a-week training plan are waiting for me. Time to log off, head to the bathroom and organize myself for boarding. Forty minutes and counting.
Signing off from the land of ocd and all things planned and early.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
she cleaned. she sneezed. she left.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A cleaning frenzy...
So our normally clean house is now deeply clean. (?). Lee is at peace and I'm sort of afraid to move. But I will. And it will be mussed up within a few days. I've been trying to join my man in more and more things that are of interest to him...but the frantic cleaning is something I'm happy to just hand on over to him. Surprisingly, he took it. Rest assured, I did my part. He was upstairs with the vacuum for about an hour in one room today. I just praised the Lord for his love for "the clean" and let him continue.
It snowed off and on all weekend long. The weather is a particular madness that I'm just about done with. As we ate dinner tonight, the three of us watched hail cover our deck in 3 inches of icy wonder. It's gotten to the point of ridiculousness. I'm tempted to erect an igloo out front.
The marathon training only has a few more weeks left, believe it or not. I've been doing some juggling of training days due to my schedule and upcoming travel. Lee decided he wanted to do his 14 miles off he went. South Prairie to Puyallup - 14.5-ish miles in the pouring rain, freezing hail and snow. He walked a 13.2 minute mile. That boy is pretty fast. And now, he's pretty sore. :) Connie and I are attempting our 14 in about five days. I wasn't up for it this weekend.
Hope and I made some uber healthy peanut butter/banana muffins tonight. With wheat flour. They aren't half bad. Might be better with chocolate chips...again, I kid. Kind of. :)
Church was fabuloso today. Our Pastor is doing a series on witnessing and has been challenging us with good questions. He's been talking about faith...a lot. And I like his biblical view. And the reality that life as Christians will be full of trials and tribulations -- and how to not only find Christ in the midst of that...but allow ourselves to shine something to others along the way. Lord knows, I can offer a hearty amen to that theology. Life is no cakewalk, peeps. No cakewalk, indeed. Hope seems to be enjoying Sunday school...and received an attendance award today (3 weeks in a row). :) She was pleased - and received a pretty cool bubble kit. A nice distraction from the world of Webkinz that she seems to be a little obsessed with.
A few weeks ago, I signed up to help with VBS in July. I'm excited because it's held in the evening from 6 to 9 pm. Not only can Hope go...but I can volunteer. I knew I didn't want to lead a class of kids (not really my thing) - but wanted to help. They asked for a powerpoint creator and a snack leader today. I bit it and offered up the powerpoint skills ... and was relieved when somone beat me to it. Powerpoint + Kris = ick. I can whip my way through a presentation - but it's one of my least favorite things to do. :)
Two of us were standing together with an eye on the position of snack helper. Turns out, we are both 4 weeks' new to this church. Her name is Jennifer. She and her husband are from Missouri, they actually have some $$ down on some land in the five-acre plots next to our development. I know! :) We agreed to share snack duty -- and gabbed as we walked over to pick up our kids. We laughed at the fact that we both beelined for the snack position as a way to serve and get to know some peeps. And, if Lee decides to help with the snack shack, he could join in. Miracles do happen, you know. :) Although, I'm happy to allow the Lord to be the creator of those moments vs. myself. But oh, how I like to meddle. :)
Anyhow, my first friendly contact (outside of leaders and familiar Awana faces) in this new churching land. :) It was lovely. And encouraging. This church (I suppose I should start calling it "my church) has some family swimming at the Enumclaw pool every other week...and a skate night or two. I'm digging this smaller-church gig. I have to turn off my "comfort in being invisible" and replace it with a willingness to be known...but it's good for me. And I think...these peeps are the real deal.
I have one wild and wHooly week lying in front of me. I need to be on my knees every day for God to keep it ordered and in control. Last week, it (my week!) controlled me. :)
sidenote: Our pastor does his own powerpoint slides for his sermon. and holds his own remote 'clicker' to turn the slides from his computer on stage. I'm not sure anyone but Denise G. will appreciate this comment. It gives me a chuckle and puts a smile on my face everytime I see his self-generated graphics and lines and lines of originally created words come up on the screen. It's good. :)
Be blessed this week! :) k
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
my new favorite subject is reading...
I bought her a new book while she was at Awana tonight (it's kind of become "a thing" between us). I don't remember how it began. I think I bought a birthday present one night while she was doin' the Awana gig and this little "Judy Moody" book caught my eye. She finished it in 2 days. A little novelette, I guess you could call it. The following week, I bought the other Judy Moody book. A few weeks back, I tried again - but the little store was "sold out" of Judy Moody. I gave Ramona a try, but not so much a success.
Tonight, still no Judy Moody (I know, go to another bookstore, Kris). Instead, a copy of Nim's Island was staring me in the face. We saw the movie a few weeks ago - and LOVED it. The book seems to be having the same effect. Each turned page prompted Hope to call out, "Mom, I'm already on page 14. Now I'm on 15. Mom, I'm heading into Chapter 2." To quote my little one, "Reading is my new favorite subject. As long as I like the book." Well said, Shakespeare. Well said. :)
Confession: I am a book lover. Pre-children, I was an avid reader. Now, I just try. One of my favorite things is to get lost in a bookstore. Even if I never buy a blooming thing. I feel almost as emotional about the library. Maybe moreso because everything is FREE in there. Last summer Hope and I went to that free book place every Monday and had a ball.
The book has now made it squarely over her face. It's blocking the blazing overhead light in this lovely room. And now for the task of squiring my very sleep reader into her own little bed and burying my face in a book. My Bible, dontcha know. :)
Hasta. And happy page turning.
Monday, April 14, 2008
weekend wrapup

Consuela and I stopped around mile 10-ish to grab a photo op. If you look closely, the sweat is glistening off of my squinty face. Nice. Connie and I swapped Ipods at one point during the walk--it was kind of a nice boost to have some new and different tunes/sermons to cruise to.
This is simply the most ridiculous photo. I couldn't find my rained on us (last weekend - 8 miles)..and Lee looks like the Cheshire cat. :) But here we are spouses. ha! Connie and I finished the mileage in about 3 hours, 40 minutes. Not a terrific time -- BUT, we had a bathroom stop -- we strolled through part of mile 5 looking for the 6 mile mark and the last few miles we were kind of slow. Connie had a pinched nerve -- and I have no excuse.
Hope went to our neighbor Erica's 10th birthday party a few hours after our walk was through (we walked from 7:10 am to about 10:50 am). Her Mom asked if Liz and I would come over and lend a we did. I might add that I am living next door to Martha Stewart's more talented sister. Seriously. Everything from scratch. Cake extraordinaire. I was amazed. And a little inspired. Although not sure what I'm inspired to...I don't have that kind of talent. :)Hope scooted from the party a bit early and we headed to Seattle's Safeco Field for a Mariners' game! Someone gave Lee some FANTASTIC tickets....the view is above. Row 39 - back from home plate. It was a super game- the M's wHooped the Angels...and Hope really enjoyed the game. And Auntie Karen joined us! I think we were all a little tired...but we had a great time.
Sunday was filled with a little churchin' for Hope and I (which was fabulous, I might add)...and a 15 mile bike jaunt for Lee, Hope and the neighborhood teenagers. Actually, I grabbed Hope after 7.5 miles in Orting and we went grocery shopping. Lee went to the McD's with the kids and rode back much later. I think he was pretty well fried at the end of the day--but he had a great day. He's great with kids. And I...not so much my thing. :) I'm great with .... computers. And ... lists. ha!
The next few weeks are jumbled and wild for me. I head to North Carolina in less than two weeks for some meetings (work). Lee's sis Sandra is coming to stay with Hope and make life a little easier on Lee. The half-marathon is less than 4 weeks away (mother's day weekend!)...i can hardly believe it's that close. But I'm very excited.
I am also very excited that my niece Ashley is blogging. Good times, good times indeed!
Be blessed this week! :)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Spring Break!
Not a lot new here. Just logging miles...we did eight this past weekend and are aiming for 12.5 this coming. That half marathon is just around the corner.
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19
Anyone who knows me well, knows I've been floating a little bit the past few years. I've been attending Foursquare in Puyallup, but just have never plugged in. On purpose. I needed to be anonymous and be fed. And Pastor Roger's teaching were life for me. Seriously. I just couldn't ever find my footing to plug in. Not them - t'was me. Or God.
Hope has been attending Awana at a little church in Enumclaw during this school year. We attended on Easter and again this weekend. I just returned from their monthly ladies' night and I think I'm in. It was a good experience. The teaching is good. The ladies seem real and I'm not sure there were many who didn't welcome me. Being the loner that I am, I grabbed a table by myself. Within minutes, I had four ladies sitting with me - chatting and interested in who I was. About 50 ladies was a really nice time. And these ladies seem to geniunely love the Lord. And food. :) I am down with that. I even signed up to bring a dish to the June ladies' night. I'm stepping out. And laying down roots.
I laugh at the fact that I thought the church might be too small. It's totally what I need. Actually, I think it's what we need. Hope could never find her groove at Foursquare either and sat with me most Sundays. She did the kid's church gig this past weekend and LOVED it. They are smaller classes - familiar faces and leaders from Awana. It's good.
I actually don't have much more to share than that. My brain has shut off...I think it's time for bed. I'm just very, very thankful.
G'night! :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Simon Cowell will come to know Jesus. I'm sure of it.
And seriously - could Dolly Parton BE any cuter? To quote Paula, "I'd like to hang her from my rear view mirror."
The voteoff. I completely agree. Ramiele (sp). It was time for her to go. She's got some pipes - but I don't really dig her.
David Cook is my favorite. I do like those rockers. And Michael Johns is not only my "emotional" fave - but the boy can rock an ascot.
And there is my idol recap. :)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
a few good things...
The second good thing? Our doorbell rang last night around 6:30 pm. Hope was outside playing - so I figured it was she and her friends being funny. I answered in the door in my lounging clothes (ie fleece pajamas) to find someone other than my daughter. She was from the church we visited on Easter - bringing cookies and a warm welcome. Funny what a plate of white flour and sugar will do - but it warmed my heart. :)
Hope has actually been going to Awana at this church all year long. And I've been sitting back, wondering if the joint was too small of a church for me (aka, will I have to be known?). I had a good conversation with a group of ladies and the worship Pastor at the Awana Spaghetti Feed last week. I think we've decided to jump in with both feet. Or I've decided, anyhow. :) Actually, I believe the Lord has decided. I miss being part of a church body. Or a church body with healthy leadership.
I best log off from this silly blog. I did a little jogging on the treadmill this morning and I have about an hour before I have to get moving. Meaning, an hour to listen to this week's show and start working on the web. Booya.