The best way to overcome the past? Embrace it. Oh yes. It is. Facebook is my fantabulous frenemy. I have quite the splintered past - that seems to be crashing in on me via Facebook. So, I've embraced the blasted thing. I've accepted friend requests from peeps I haven't heard from in 20-plus years. Fences have been mended. Bridges have been built. Um, and some memory banks had the dust gently cleared away. My best friend from high school (jody, that's you!) and I have been emailing away over the past few weeks. Purple Rain and matching asymmetrical haircuts. That's all I'm sayin'. If I had a scanner, I would definitely post a photo. Oh yes, I have one. Buried under lock and key. But I have one.
The past makes us who we are. So why have I been so determined to separate it from my life today? I'm asking myself that question over and over. There's never a hurt that can't be healed. Or a change that can't be recognized. Just saying.
Political discussions. I don't fitany longer. I think I'm okay with that. Not long ago, Shelly and I were having an "over the cube wall" conversation about politics (ie Palin) and it hit me. Something has changed in me. I don't know when it happened. Or what spring has come loose, but I have moved from "black and white" to a slight bit of gray. And while I think Sarah did well in her debate, she's not who I'd pick for V.P. I just don't feel comfortable with her in the co-chair. Love that she's a Christian. Love that she's bold. Don't love that she's the pick. I wish I did. So does my husband. I think he'd campaign for her, if he could. If polygamy were legal, he might entertain that. She is cute, isn't she?
Menopause. Or peri-menopause. Whatever you have heard about it, I think the reality might be worse. And do you know that a history of breast cancer prohibits the taking of hormones? Or birth control pills? Or any estrogen-generating helpmate that can be found? I am serious as a heart attack. My Mom sent me a bottle of Mexican Yam Extract to help. Not sure what they will do for me yet. Reverse the process? That would be swell. I'm hoping it's not something served with marshmallows and brown sugar (sorry, Mom. a joke!).

My new favorite blog. If you like to cook (or like to eat?) - check it out. It's http://www.goodthingscatered.blogspot.com/. I added it to my google reader recently and love it (and if you don't have a google reader account for your blog reading, you should!). I made "Big Mama's Chicken Pot Pie" from the site Despite the name, it was very good. Lee and Hope were not keen on the spice blend (from the roux). It called for Old Bay - which my friend Ann (who is a fabulous food writer) tells me contains cinnamon and ginger. She gave some other suggestions for a more pleasing taste for the fam. I actually dug it. And ate the leftovers. I just deleted the picture for the umpteenth time and am not pasting it back in. You can see it on the website. Darn blogger. :) I just might move to Wordpress.
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