Sunday, December 28, 2008

a long winter's break....


I'm more than thankful that I have this week off. Sad that Lee has to go back Monday-Wed. But so glad I'm off.


The snow is melting. I'm so. stinking. thankful. Jump in the air and click my heels, thankful.


Due to meltoff, Hope was able to take off on her new, motorized scooter. To say she loves it is the understatement of the year. SHE LOVES, LOVES, LOVES it. :) Her friend next door has a new motorized vespa-like scooter. So they were off!

yes. :)

Here's Hope, taking a break from kicking everyone's tush with the Wii-action. Best gift of the season. Thank you, Santa!
And here we the falling snow on Christmas day. The whole fam-damily. Merry Christmas!

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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer