Saturday, January 3, 2009

day 2...

no sugar. no white flour. no processed foods.

it's been a dark day, charlie brown.

seriously. i've done alright. i will say that food has become a past time for me. a lover, if you will. and i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss it. oh. but i do. but i know that i've got to overcome the addicion of it. and that is what stinks.

the program i'm doing is focused on two things: healthy eating and breaking emotional ties to foods. No chips. No crackers. No potatoes for the first 6 weeks.

A friend of mine who is doing the program as well said she had some fritos last night. Because they are made with corn and semi-prism friendly. (sidenote: are fritos fried? if so, that makes them not prism friendly at all). She had one serving. It's a violation of the Phase 1 rules - but I thought about it. Should I bend the rules too? If something is on the list, but it's still made with good stuff, should I do it?

For me, eating a serving of fritos, or having just one cookie is like letting an alcoholic have "one sip of beer." It's ridiculous.

So I said no to the frito. Of which an entire bag resides in our cupboard. And you're right. I don't have the most supportive familia in the world when it comes to diet. It's my world that needs to change, not theirs.

I've had some revelations today. Regarding eating and jonesing and my headspace. Nothing for the blogwaves...but I am seeing some things. I just don't know how to heal and overcome.

Crazy. I know it will get easier. But for now, I'll be glad when my head is on the pillow and I am asleep. :) Day 2 will be under my belt.


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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer