Friday, January 2, 2009

the test of the jo-jo

that's right. the test of the jo-jo.

ate a late breakfast. balanced, carb-friendly and calorie-exact. went grocery shopping right around lunch time. it's a family affair - so a friend of hope's came with. and as habit would have, lee bought a thousand pounds of jo-jo potatoes. battered, deep-friend goodness. not normally a temptation for me - but i quickly found how truly hungry i was.

i resisted the tempting of the jo-jo. actually, i ate one small one. after the troops had ravaged them all. just one.

lee decided he wanted an ice cream cone on the way out. hope stood strong with me (thank you for my girl!) - while lee and lyssie waited in line. i'm not an ice cream lover anyhow - but i was darn hungry.

note to self: don't go grocery shopping without a lunch plan in place. by the time we arrived back home, it was well after 2 pm. i calorically (sp?) balanced some nibbles and digested a little sustenance.

currently drinking herbal tea. wishing i wasn't married to the will power or gibraltar. steak and veggies on the menu for tonight.

this may end up being a three-blog day. oh Lord of the diets, deliver me.


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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer