Friday, March 7, 2008

8 milos with consuela

I don't know what the spanish word is for miles...I'm certain it's not milos. :) But Connie and I did complete an 8 mile trek today. It was a lovely jaunt that went surprisingly quick(ly?). I'm not all that achey or that must mean things are progressing. If only pounds and pounds of weight would drop. I believe Lee, Hope and I will be doing an 8-miler on Sunday. I'm hoping to find company for my end of the trek. Lee and Hope will be miles ahead of me. Or 40 minutes ahead, anyhow.

It's been a very long week. Lee's sister and her granddaughter (hope's cousin, Justyce) are heading over tomorrow. I'm hoping for a nice low-key weekend.


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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer