The above photo was not taken with a camera phone. It's just a shot of some sassy new hair. I had to share it before I revealed half a year in review at the hands of my camera phone. Sometimes in Hope's hands and sometimes, my own. I finally figured out how to download photos from my phone. The result is slightly scary. I guess that's the thing about a phone with a camera--it goes erywhere and tells a story or two along the way. Or gives glimmer of the crazy that runs through my brain at times. So here are some very random glimpses of my life... :)

This would be a December shot. Of the VAN HALEN REUNION TOUR. That's right, I'm shouting that one out. That's David Lee Roth (aka Diamond Dave) and Eddie Van Halen. Oh yeah.

Hope and her cousin Justyce (bottom right) survey Auntie's Sandra's "about to be replaced" dock at the lake house.

This one was taken 2 weekends ago. At about mile 9.5 of 11.5 on the Orting Trail. I was feelin' a little edgy. That's Ginger behind me and I think Liz behind her. I was playing some headgames with myself--and with my phone.

Here's Lee at the Bonney Lake Starbucks/Target. We're eating pretzels and drinking coffee. I don't think he even knew I took this. The beauty of a cell phone camera. Secret squirrel lives.

Hope and I enjoying Enumclaw High School's drama presentation of Superman: The Musical. Who knew? We really enjoyed it - and ourselves. Below is the program.

From this summer. I told you it was random. Lee relaxing at Sandra's house in Rocklin, CA. :)

Ahhh...what a painful pic. In the recovery room at Good Sam after sinus surgery. My daughter was feeling camera happy. But I'm the brave one to put it on here. Human suffering. And a very bad hair moment. They don't allow hair product or make up for surgery. An F to the Y-I for you.

Hope gets a Hannah Montana makeover in one of the many malls in AZ this summer. About 20 minutes from Peoria.I think it was the Fashion Mall. :) It was fabu.

My sisters and I like to send one another funny pics on the cell. Here's one of 'em. I don't know who this is. ha. Don't judge.

Ladybug gazes out the window of our bonus room - in a very too small princess chair from many moons ago. The cat loves the chair - and so, we keep it for her.

An emu poses along one of our many jaunts down the Orting trail. I don't know why I took this. I hate birds. Or whatever species this is. bleh.

My Ipod. One of my best friends. I'm not sure what's on that though.

Apparently something very scary. Maybe some Marilyn Manson? Oh my ears, my ears.

Believe it or not...this was out by our house just a few weeks ago. Hope and I were driving home from an Awana Spaghetti Feed. It was a blizzard. CRAZY!

I love this face. :) Taken earlier this year, while the novelty of taking the bus was still fresh and new.

I'm feeling oh so brave. I had pink eye TWICE this winter. Within weeks of each other. That's some wicked pain. Razor blades over the eyes. Oooch.

This...taken at Red Robin. Lee is wondering where our appetizers are and Hope is keeping herself entertained with the kid's coloring page. :) Only with the camera phone, folks.

And here I am. Some crazy self-portrait highlighting my wrinkles and lazy hair. :) Booya.
A year in the life. At the hands of a cell phone camera. :)
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