Tonight, Hope attended a Christmas soiree at my neighbor, Ginger's digs. The girls exchanged gifts and did a little decorating...of graham cracker cottages. As I surveyed the cottage, the simplicity, the lack of architectural dicing and slicing and cracker loss, I wanted to howl out loud. And pop one of those little anxiety pills my Dr. has given me to bring sleep along as I finish out the steroids. I am fighting the urge to write Martha a letter and give her a piece of my mind for leading me astray. I tried to convey my disbelief that these cottages were constructed so simply...and with meringue mix, nonetheless - not my $15 tub of dehydrated eggwhites. Martha, what are you doing to this novice-crafty-wannabe? I blindly assume your advice is grand. And then, I discover, that there is an easier way.
It was actually a funny moment - inside my head, anyhow. BUT, kind of a lesson I'm learning. There's something about shortcuts that I need to learn. And calling my neighbor, Ginger - who knows the tricks and tips of baking, cakes and all things crafts. :) It was a fun party - Hope loved it ... good times.
We saw the National Treasure: Book of Secrets tonight. A little intense for Hope - but very good. I LOVED IT. I loved the first one as well.
My FIL is in town. We did some last-minute shopping - and I had to run to Fred Meyer for a few odds and ends. People are truly insane right now. The spirit of the season is missing for so many. I should be praying for them, I think. What a frenzy. Oye.
The best part of my day (besides seeing National Treasure 2!) - was the frenzy of deliveries we've received - namely from my sister, Karyn. She has been spoiling the living daylights out of our family this year! Sometimes, it's hard to accept the gift of another--and then when another arrives, and another... :) Today, a box of kisses arrived - candy cane, cocoa and one giant big brother kiss. I imbibed - and was just simply SO blessed. And so surprised. Silly, maybe - over "a box of chocolates (to quote Forrest G). I've gushed to her - and thanked Jesus for her and wished I could fly to VA just to give her a squeeze. So fun - and really, such a blessing. (love you, kar!). We texted goofy notes to one another until my movie began. Then the man behind me made me shut my cell phone. Scrooge.
I'm looking forward to some sleep tonight. It escaped me last night. Zzzzzzzzzzz. Or maybe, I'll pop a few more kisses...
Merry Christmas! :)
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