Monday, December 10, 2007

Who needs to breathe?

Sickness has overwhelmed my sinuses and eyes for the past few months. It's not been a pretty October, November or December. Pink eye has made it's home in my eyes twice in the past month. Nuts, I say. Nuts!

Went in for a followup today post CT scan (on Friday). Ten years ago, I had sinus surgery on my left sinus. Today, the sinus is showing "no light" at all on the scan. That could mean a few things. I continue to get sick because an infection simply isn't clearing up. OR, I continue to get sick because the polyps have grown back and taken over my sinus cavity.


I have two choices. The first is a 20 day round of steroids - beginning with six pills per day -- descreasing in quantity/strength over the 20 days, coupled with an antibiotic (and diflucan). The second option is to refer over to an ENT surgeon - who will either suggest the same treatment or want to open me up (so to speak).

I took the first option. Twenty days on a steroid isn't going to be a lot of fun. Another CT scan is scheduled for January 31st with a follow up on 1/2 with my Dr. If the density hasn't changed, I'll be referred to the surgeon.

Sinus surgery is no cake walk. Last time I did it, we were without child. Recovery was long. Not sure how that would all work together. Sleeping upright in a recliner and spending the days on pain medicines isn't super-conducive to life with an active eight year old.

So for now, I'm praying for an infection. Not sure I've ever prayed for such a thing. Lord, please bless me with a nasty infection that can only be broken by steroids.

Eegads. :)

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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer