Saturday, December 29, 2007

on the way to the new year..

It's begun. The focus on all things resolute and new year. :) I knew once family left and folks stopped dropping off tempation at my door (in the form of buttery baked goods), that I'd get back on my game. Plus, my sister has me watching "You Are What You Eat" on the BBC. Dr. Gillian is not kind - but full of truth. Eegads.

Training for the half-marathon begins in a few weeks--I'm hitting the treadmill and the road. I definitely feel the past few months of illness, lack of movement and overeating. Ick.

Our family is focused on eating healthier, I believe. Lee's Dad was here for 10 days. He's wrestling with a few maladies - some age-related and a few weight related. He'll be back in a few weeks for some more testing - and we'll see what's what. With diabetes running in my own family, I need to get serious.

Nothing much to report. Except to check out my new show....

:) k

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"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer