Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a little anxiety

tomorrow is surgery day. sinus-style. i was more anxious today than necessary, i think. kind of surprised me. i'm glad to be home, preparing to go to bed. i'll be even happier to be in recovery tomorrow afternoon. yeesh.

it's been a long - but surprisingly good week. this week is "winter break" for hope - lee has been home all week with her. i've heard tales of chicken nuggets, ice cream movies and park trips and have some fun texted photos to boot. i, on the other hand, worked like a mad woman to wrap things up early for the week so I can detach and detangle myself from my desk for a spell. as i type this, i believe i did it.

lee's week off gave me the opportunity to hang out a bit with one of my peeps (danielle!). we dined on some fabulous greek food and dove into the depths of all things narrow. narrow path, that is. t'was fabulous.

tonight, i aided (and abeted?) my friend and neighbor, Liz - in setting up her myspace account. another one bites the dust. :) and we crooned to some of her fabulous 80s tunes on HER itunes. humpty dance? unskinny bop? rico suave? does it get any better than that? (stop laughing).

One of my other neighbors (Josie!) brought some of her fabulous meatballs my way. i was just in the swing of looking for a little something. i can't eat after midnight, you know. nor will i want to eat much of anything tomorrow. so i made up for some lost calories (um, no, i do not need this). did i mention that josie is italian? and coule market her most amazing sauce and meatballs. unbeeleevable....mmmm.

and now, i'm gearing up for bed. while watching my biggest loser/black team tank. i'm a little frustrated with the gipper. c'mon guys!

i've stayed steady with walking...about 2 miles each day -- with 4 on Sunday (after our whopper 6.5 miles). on hold until next week!

be blessed!!!

1 comment:

Doug said...

The Humpty Dance? Seriously?

Enjoy your Lord of the Rings marathon!

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer