Thursday, February 21, 2008


:) no, this isn't amy winehouse coming at you. it's just me, recovering from sinus surgery.

i am so glad it is over. whew.

went into surgery about an hour late. was entertained by an anesthesiologist and male surgical nurse that should take their act on the road. unfortunately, i wasn't able to catch the end of their routine. something in my iv took me away.

spent 4 hours in the hospital recovering. ice chips were like manna from heaven and apple juice and vanilla pudding were like gold. crazy. the downside is that every time i stand up, my nose starts bleeding. i'm told it's normal (until i start bleeding and dont' stop). the little gauzey drip catcher i'm wearing totally adds to the post-surgical look i'm rocking. i'm not taking visitors today. i'll open the doors wide tomorrow...i promise. :)

we enjoyed a fabulous chicken enchilada dinner compliments of my consuela. we have more yummy meals waiting for us from the hands of both danielle and consuela. :) thank you, thank you ladies. we all ate. and enjoyed.

packing comes out tomorrow. pain medicine time in 20 minutes (and counting!!!). lee has been a great nursemaid, i have to say. it helps, i suppose that i am unable to move about without bleeding. i think we were all a little anxious about today...and are happy to be on zee uzer side of the surgery mountain.

thanks to everyone who has been praying for me/us..and for all the fun and encouraging text messages today. :) off to a tylox-induced la la land. :) k

1 comment:

Doug said...

I'm glad the surgery went well! Now, if you could just unzip a few word docs for me that'd be great.

Hope you have a great drug/movie filled weekend!

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer