Sunday, February 3, 2008

blogging on the brain

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I read quite a few blogs in my spare time (ie I am addicted to all things blog). But none have inspired me. I don't know that I'm filled with inspiration even now, but I thought I'd jot some thoughts. Here they are - in no specific order.

Football=food. I am no fan of football--but have watched a few games this year with my guy. Willingly and with interest. Still not sure what those flags and downs mean. :) I believe today's Superbowl was my first. Ever. Not a very exciting game...(my comparison? Green Bay vs. Seahawks a few weeks ago). My sister in law was in town ... so she hung with us. We ate greasy pizza, spicy cheese dip with a shelf life of 300 years and some wings that claim to be hot. I drank a diet coke to balance things out. The very best thing about the Superbowl was....itunes. While I watched and visited - I managed to load about 20 CDs into itunes. :) No small feat.

Meet the Fockers. It's on right now. Post-superbowl. I love this movie. Nothing specific to share about why. Just tickles my funnybone. Robert de Niro is a crazy, maniacal father-in-law. My favorite scene is the truth serum. Not right, I know. "Yo soy Papa." Focker, out. Daddy Focker (aka Dustin Hoffman) holding a sit in, preparing to kick the snot out of Daddy DeNiro. The flick is almost over...and I sit, laughing out loud by my lonesome at almost every scene. Crazy. I know.

Speaking of movies. Do you know what movie I absolutely cannot figure out why so many folks love? The Notebook. I watched it. Was prepared to fall apart and weep. It did...nothing for me. I don't know why. There are other movies/love stories that touch me...even draw me to tears. Beaches. Steel Magnolias. Bridges of Madison County (I know, adulterous affair). The Notebook .... not so much. :) I also greatly disliked the movie "Spanglish." Partially, because I'm not a fan of Adam Sandler (ie I don't think he's even a little bit funny)...and partially because the neurotic Mom pushed too many of my buttons. Bleh. Two of my most loved flicks: "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"...and "13 Going on 30." Okay, and Oceans 11, 12 and 13 (and 14, 15, 16 to come). Why am I sharing all of this? Um, why am I blogging? Because I can. :) ha!

Half-marathon training. It's in full swing. Lee has been jogging many miles on the weekends. I have been walking many miles during the wee morning hours (ie treadmill) and around the hood on the weekends. Five miles was the scheduled goal for the weekend. I did it. Kept a 16.2 minute/mile pace and felt accomplished. And a little creaky and sore today. :) In a good way.

David. Is increasingly my favorite character in the bible. I'm learning more about him through a ministudy.

Forgiveness. It's a thick batch of quicksand. The only way to experience it is to grab onto it for dear life and leave the bitter behind.

Sinus surgery is just around the corner. I have another "minor procedure" happening toward the end of May. Great hopes are swirling that these two things will help in many different ways.

Hope Superbowl Sunday was filled with good things for you and your family.


1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hey Sass. Love your bloggin. Mind bloggin, that is! HAH! Melodya has been watching Meet the Fockers whilst I have typed myself into an oblivion. I could hear Ben Stiller's voice..."You don't have the patent on the 'circle of trust..." CRACKS me up every time. Love the blog...and lovin sleep right about now!

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham, running speaker and writer